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  • Writer's pictureAashita Shekhar

Understanding Chakras: The Key to Holistic Healing

Understanding Chakras: The Key to Holistic Healing

Chakras are the energy centers in the body that regulate our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra governs a specific area of our body and mind, influencing everything from our sense of security to our communication skills, creativity, and even intuition. When these chakras are balanced and unblocked, energy flows freely, promoting health and vitality. However, blockages in chakras can lead to physical ailments, emotional imbalances, and spiritual disconnect.

Why Are Chakras Important?

  • Energy Flow: Chakras are vital for maintaining a balanced flow of energy throughout the body. Blocked chakras can lead to energy stagnation, resulting in discomfort, stress, or illness.

  • Emotional and Physical Health: The connection between our physical bodies and emotions is deeply rooted in the chakra system. When our emotions are balanced, our bodies are more likely to thrive.

  • Holistic Well-being: Chakras provide a holistic approach to health that addresses not only physical ailments but also emotional and spiritual aspects of the self.

Chakras and Healing Diseases

Ancient beliefs suggest that any imbalance in the body’s energy system can manifest as a physical disease. By unblocking and balancing chakras, we can promote healing for a range of ailments, including breast cancer, heart conditions, digestive issues, and more.

Chakras, Blockages, Causes, and Remedies

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Color: Red

  • Location: Base of the spine

  • Blockages: Fear, insecurity, instability

  • Causes of Blockages: Stress, financial worries, lack of physical activity, feeling unsafe or unsupported

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues, lower back pain

  • Disease Associations:

    • Lower Back Pain

    • Digestive Issues (e.g., constipation, irritable bowel syndrome)

    • Breast Cancer (as emotional stress and insecurity might contribute to overall health issues)

  • Mantra: LAM

  • Remedies:

    • Grounding exercises (e.g., walking barefoot on grass)

    • Eating red foods (e.g., beets, tomatoes)

    • Root chakra affirmations like "I am safe and secure"

    • Yoga poses: Mountain Pose, Warrior Pose

    • Meditation focusing on the color red

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • Color: Orange

  • Location: Lower abdomen (below the navel)

  • Blockages: Guilt, lack of creativity, emotional instability

  • Causes of Blockages: Repressed emotions, fear of pleasure, sexual issues

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Low libido, creative blocks, emotional numbness, reproductive issues

  • Disease Associations:

    • Reproductive Issues (e.g., menstrual problems, infertility)

    • Bladder Infections

    • Sexual Dysfunction

    • Ovarian Cysts

  • Mantra: VAM

  • Remedies:

    • Engaging in creative activities (art, dance)

    • Eating orange foods (e.g., oranges, carrots)

    • Sacral chakra affirmations like "I embrace pleasure and abundance"

    • Hip-opening yoga poses: Butterfly Pose, Pigeon Pose

    • Meditation focusing on the color orange

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • Color: Yellow

  • Location: Upper abdomen (above the navel)

  • Blockages: Low self-esteem, lack of willpower, anger

  • Causes of Blockages: Self-doubt, perfectionism, fear of failure, criticism

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Digestive problems, fatigue, lack of confidence, controlling behaviors

  • Disease Associations:

    • Digestive Disorders (e.g., ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis)

    • Chronic Fatigue

    • Diabetes

    • Liver Issues

  • Mantra: RAM

  • Remedies:

    • Practicing self-confidence and self-empowerment techniques

    • Eating yellow foods (e.g., bananas, corn)

    • Solar plexus affirmations like "I am powerful and confident"

    • Yoga poses: Boat Pose, Warrior III

    • Meditation focusing on the color yellow

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Color: Green

  • Location: Center of the chest

  • Blockages: Grief, fear of rejection, lack of self-love

  • Causes of Blockages: Heartbreak, emotional pain, lack of forgiveness (toward self or others)

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Difficulty in relationships, heart/lung issues, jealousy, emotional detachment

  • Disease Associations:

    • Cardiovascular Diseases (e.g., heart disease, high blood pressure)

    • Respiratory Issues (e.g., asthma, chronic bronchitis)

    • Breast Cancer (emotional stress and grief may influence overall health)

  • Mantra: YAM

  • Remedies:

    • Practicing compassion and forgiveness (toward self and others)

    • Eating green foods (e.g., spinach, kale)

    • Heart chakra affirmations like "I am open to giving and receiving love"

    • Yoga poses: Cobra Pose, Camel Pose

    • Meditation focusing on the color green

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Color: Blue

  • Location: Throat

  • Blockages: Difficulty in expressing thoughts and emotions, fear of speaking, dishonesty

  • Causes of Blockages: Repression of truth, fear of judgment, communication issues

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Sore throat, thyroid issues, neck/shoulder pain

  • Disease Associations:

    • Thyroid Disorders (e.g., hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)

    • Sore Throat

    • Laryngitis

    • Speech Difficulties

  • Mantra: HAM

  • Remedies:

    • Speaking your truth, writing, journaling

    • Eating blue or purple foods (e.g., blueberries, grapes)

    • Throat chakra affirmations like "I speak my truth clearly and fearlessly"

    • Yoga poses: Shoulder Stand, Plow Pose, Fish Pose

    • Meditation focusing on the color blue

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Color: Indigo

  • Location: Between the eyebrows

  • Blockages: Lack of intuition, confusion, inability to focus

  • Causes of Blockages: Overthinking, ignoring intuition, living in fear

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Headaches, vision issues, sinus problems

  • Disease Associations:

    • Headaches/Migraines

    • Vision Problems (e.g., blurred vision, eye strain)

    • Sinusitis

    • Mental Fatigue

  • Mantra: OM

  • Remedies:

    • Practicing mindfulness, developing intuition

    • Eating purple foods (e.g., eggplant, purple grapes)

    • Third eye chakra affirmations like "I trust my intuition"

    • Yoga poses: Child's Pose, Forward Fold

    • Meditation focusing on the color indigo

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Color: Violet or White

  • Location: Top of the head

  • Blockages: Disconnection from the divine, lack of purpose, narrow-mindedness

  • Causes of Blockages: Ego attachment, materialism, lack of spiritual practice

  • Symptoms of Blockage: Depression, lack of inspiration, migraines

  • Disease Associations:

    • Depression

    • Migraines

    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    • Spiritual Crisis

  • Mantra: Silent OM

  • Remedies:

    • Meditation, prayer, spiritual practices

    • Eating light, nourishing foods (fruits, greens)

    • Crown chakra affirmations like "I am connected to the divine and my higher self"

    • Yoga poses: Headstand, Savasana (Corpse Pose)

    • Meditation focusing on the color violet or white

Chakra Meditation on Ascend Jiva Channel

Enhance your healing journey with chakra meditation. Using chakra mantras during meditation helps activate the energy of the chakras to purify and balance your mind, body, and soul. Imagine the chakra as an instrument and the mantra as a tuning fork – striking the tuning fork aligns the instrument with the right vibrational resonance, clearing out energies that do not match. Do this guided meditation to start balancing your chakras today.


Chakras offer a powerful way to understand and heal our bodies from within. By focusing on unblocking and balancing these energy centers, we can address not only physical diseases but also emotional and spiritual imbalances. Whether you're dealing with breast cancer, digestive issues, or emotional struggles, incorporating chakra healing into your overall treatment plan can offer additional support, helping you heal on all levels. Balancing your chakras is a lifelong practice that nurtures your whole being.



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