As we now collectively turn the page from one year to the next…
There's a perfect opportunity to consciously release the past and embrace the power of transmutation, awaken and ascend to higher consciousness
So you can step into this new calendar year...
Refreshed and recharged, and shining in alignment with the light and brilliance of the New EARTH!
Watch this video to understand what we mean by ascending to higher consciousness, and how we can shift from 3D to 5D. If the words like” ascension”, “awakening” “higher consciousness” “spiritual dimension” “3d 4d 5d” resonate with you then it means you are ready for spiritual awakening, and you will soon become a part of such ascended beings who are here to change the world.
By its nature, the term ‘ascension’ implies ‘rising up’ and when we apply it to our spiritual growth, it takes on the mantle of a developing awareness that both facilitates and accelerates the expansion of consciousness. And indeed, the great cosmic rising that’s been occurring ever since June 2019 when the 5D New Earth templates embedded around our globe, has further served to increase ‘ascension symptoms’ as millions are now operating on a much deeper level of everyday knowing.
THE ‘transition’ or ‘ascension’ (people use both terms widely) to the 4th/5th Dimension may have started at the end of World War II, with the invention and use of the atomic bomb. Higher-dimensional beings (including extra-terrestrials, spiritual guides, angels, and others) took more interest in our planet and have been working to prevent us from destroying ourselves ever since.

Hindu gurus see the current times as the end of the Kali Yuga, the worst period, and the start of the Satya Yuga, the best period. The accepted dates for that transition do not align with our current time, but they say that is because the dates were misinterpreted in the past.
Earth makes one 360-degree trip around the galaxy every 25,920 years. The complete cycle is known as a Yuga. There are four parts to the Yuga. Two parts (180 degrees) of ascending consciousness and two parts (180 degrees) of descending consciousness. This cyclic rise and fall of consciousness on Earth has been going on since its creation, and that explains the rise and fall of great civilizations on Earth. The Kali Yuga is the last quadrant of descending consciousness within the Yuga. The Earth is now at the tail end of The Kali Yuga. The Biblical name for The Kali Yuga is the END TIMES. The END TIMES will not be the end of Earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earth—and the dawn of The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment.
Indeed, the rise of the cosmic feminine (the energy flow, which exists within females and males alike) has been on the increase over the past 100 years, with an acceleration since the 1960’s. An appreciation, acceptance and full balance with the cosmic male needs to be achieved before we can be an enlightened, open, 5D conscious, cosmic society. And it’s happening in 2020 at GREAT SPEED. The work that so many brave women and men have put in over the past 100 years - to bring about feminine equality, is now bearing rich fruit. The Aquarian era of balance and collaboration - equality for ALL sentient beings of the light is coming to bear.
2020 was a big year of planetary change because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some say it was the year of Earth ascension, starting with the second Harmonic Convergence in July 2020, or maybe the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020. (Check out my article on Dec 21, 2020, NEW EARTH ACTIVATION if you like to further explore spiritual significance and spiritual ritual that can activate new earth frequencies and boost your releasing and manifestation energies.
Most of us are not liking excessive rules, restrictions, fear, and separation from loved ones that COVID-19 caused in various ways. In this, we are learning that what we truly value in our lives is freedom, fresh air, nature, companionship, community, relations, and love. These are Heart Chakra values that are associated with a 5D planet.
COVID-19 is bringing every person on the planet into a new relationship with themselves — away from a 3D physical body dominance to a more 4D/5D spiritual heart and soul dominance.
It’s interesting that covid-19 is a CORONAvirus - the crown-like spikes on the virus give it this name. Corona indeed means ‘The Crown - a glowing circle of light - a HALO’ - the ultimate gateway of in-flowing cosmic energy. When the heart chakra opens, it sends energy up from the Earth into the thymus, pineal, and pituitary glands and thus activates our higher consciousness. The energy of the head can then more easily DROP down into the heart and bring above to below, below to above. This result is an aware-cosmically connected human being that thinks and acts with their heart.
If you’ve often wondered ‘why’ you feel physical, mentally, or emotionally challenged without any particular reason or cause, it could be because you’re experiencing the very ‘real’ effects of ascension.
By its nature, the term ‘ascension’ implies ‘rising up’ and when we apply it to our spiritual growth, it takes on the mantle of a developing awareness that both facilitates and accelerates the expansion of consciousness. And indeed, the great cosmic rising that’s been occurring ever since June 2019 when the 5D New Earth template embedded around our globe, has further served to increase ‘ascension symptoms’ as millions are now operating on a much deeper level of everyday knowing.
During the ascension progress, you will experience symptoms such as:
Ringing in the ears - your hearing is being adjusted to be able to hear higher frequencies
Sleep interruption - you are working out what holds you back in life during your sleep state
Feeling drained of energy - energy is moving into the physical body for clearing.
Dreaming vividly, particularly about people dying and having babies and loved ones on the other side
Heart palpitations or fluttering sensations - your heart chakra is clearing out old wounds to allow more unconditional love to enter
Women’s monthly cycles become more irregular than normal as our bodies fall into a new rhythm
Dehydration due to the energy and physical body working harder than normal dizziness or shapeshifting
Vanishing objects and flickering whilst your eyes adjust to the new vibrations of clairvoyance
Teeth/toothache linked to speaking truth as we find we cannot help ourselves with voicing the truth according to our new being
Tingling in the body is similar to electrical charges where your cells are upgrading
Swing in appetite as up-leveling can make you very hungry
Feeling cold and shivery as we try to regulate our temperature
An increased sensitivity to nature - becoming aware you are part of the whole
A sudden increase in synchronicity - your frequency and vibration are matching that of the higher source
Becoming more introverted - you may be feeling the need go inward for answers
Emotional instability with a new cycle of old memories, behaviors and cycles ending
Fear, anger, and sadness as a reflection of the above will be felt just before the turning point of letting go
Feeling homesick for a place you do not know and even a lack of belonging in your current family and social dynamics
Frequent headaches or pressure in the head - 6th and 7th chakra opening up.
Sudden or extreme changes in body temperature - energy is running through you clearing out old energetic patterns
Feeling as you don’t belong or are detached from the external world - you may become aware that you are more than what you thought you were
If your ascension symptoms persist, the first thing I would recommend is to consult with a healthcare professional. Not only to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with you, but to give you peace of mind.
Meditate at least 30 minutes a day to enhance the energy field and cleanse the energy centers. slow down the mind, breath and in tune in the body to allow space to absorb the new calibrations.
Allow calibration, don’t fight the symptoms beginning with slowing down the pace at which you consume information, how much you physically and mentally do.
Eat lighter, plant-based foods and stretch and exercise to increase your lung and aerobic capacity in your home each day. It’s amazing what you can achieve in only a small space.
Spend time in nature as the electromagnetic charges of the earth help balance those charges within us.
Exercise, walk, move to help flush out any emotional imbalances which you may struggle to process.
Align with what feels true and stay away from media or news that creates a feeling of fear in you
Be a leader and a role model. If you have a strong connection with spirit, then act like it and don't let yourself be dragged into fearful situations. Stay high and encourage us all to do the same with your calm presence. The world NEEDS this now.
Be personally responsible and don’t blame anyone else for anything that you have jurisdiction over.
Look deep within, to find your meaning and purpose.
Observe the love inside, for self, for fellow beings, nature, divine, and every creation
Drink lots of mineralized water which will keep the internal system clean & fresh, helping the body to absorb energy
Seek out a Spiritual teacher or coach that you resonate with to help you build a strong solid spiritual foundation that will help you move through your ascension process with ease.
Connecting with your Spirit Guides will dramatically help you in the ascension process by keeping you informed of what is taking place.
Perform Pranayaam (breathing yoga technique), which will facilitate to absorb of energy codes from the environment
Find a community either online or in person. Being present with others that vibrate on a higher frequency will allow you to activate your new levels of intuition
The more people move into 5D, the more humans will experience oneness, radical forgiveness, unconditional love, manifestations at a faster rate, and a feeling of being supported by energy as our dreams and purpose begin to unfold.
In order for this to happen in the first instance, we must surrender the old story we have been told and at the very least be open there is another way.
The resistance created in hanging on to the old narrative of struggle fight and pain keeps humans rooted in the old 3D energy.
Some of the world’s population will choose not to move up to 5D. The soul chooses how to experience life and for some souls, the greater learning is in the denser energies.
The coming years are going to herald us into momentous changes…
“The universe gives you infinite reasons to be in unity with the one, Soham. The universe also gives you infinite ways to be the one”
Humans are blessed with free will. This is a blessing in disguise. The disguise is the veil of ignorance and the consciousness which is the hidden truth.
We all are also blessed with a reset button that is willfully operated. The time is now to come into awareness of it. The realization is the first step to experiencing. This message is a primer. It is a simplistic and subliminal approach to the golden age.
5D; the dimension of oneness, joy, and ease — welcome!